Here you’ll find our customer favourites, featuring scenes from across the Highlands. From the majestic peaks of Glen Coe to the iconic Isle of Skye, these photos have resonated with customers for their beauty and connection to Scotland’s landscapes.
For those of us who don’t get up to this special part of the world as often as we would like, Jack’s photographs are a wonderful treat. Thank you Jack for the skills you bring to your art and the joy it brings to others.
I've cycled up the Bealach a few times, so the picture is a wonderful chance to enjoy the view without feeling like I'm about to expire. This is a beautiful photo, just draws you in and the light across it is that perfect autumnal sunshine. Love it.
This was our second Jack Marris calendar! Lovely dramatic pictures that remind us of a place close to our hearts. The next best thing to being there. Wonderful!
What a beautiful calendar. The photos are stunning. Memories for our family were made in the places that are in this calendar. Awesome. I've lived in Scotland all my life and these photos are some of the reasons why I've never left. Stunning!
Although our canvases can stand alone as finished pieces for your wall we also add various styles of frame to increase their impact. We like to use local materials with an interesting story and a strong link to the landscape.